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May Member Events

Bark Town USA

May 1, 2022

May is here!

This month we will be celebrating National Pet Month!


Help Your Dog Live Longer

In honor of National Pet Month, Bark Town will be highlighting several important topics, when it comes to your pet's health and longevity! The first is an article by The Purina Institute, which discusses a 14 year study done on Labradors. Read what the results of that study show about how to help your dog reach their golden years!


But How Do I Know What My Dog's Ideal Weight Is?

Check out his article by Dog Food Advisor, which outlines how to use Body Condition Scoring to check your dog's weight and how to estimate their ideal weight. All of this information should be discussed with your vet before making any drastic changes to their diet or lifestyle.


How Can My Dog Shed Some Extra Fluff?

This article by a Rover blogger outlines some great tips and tricks for helping your pup shed a few pounds! Dropping a couple extra layers of fluff can make a huge difference in your dog's health, mobility and longevity.


How Can I Keep My Dog Fit?

Conditioning, mobility and strength building exercises are great ways to keep your dog young, as they approach their senior years. We at Bark Town love using our FitPaws equipment and following their fun and easy circuit routines, to work on our dogs' fitness levels. Check out their website for more exercise suggestions, conditioning information and great products. Remember, Bark Town is a certified dealer, so you can order directly through us!



Bark Town USA Staff

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