Teaching You to Teach Your Dog with Positive Reinforcement & Fun!
For more information on other training options,
call us today at 517-548-9917
Training at Bark Town . . .
Bark Town, USA provides a variety of training options that will help you develop a strong relationship with your dog while you teach him or her the skills to be a well behaved part of your family.
Training Services Include:
Puppy Socialization and Basic Training
Canine Essentials Workshops
Social Skills Training
Scent work with Betsy Bernock of Great American Dogs
Call us today to find the right training solution for you and your dog!
Download the Punishment Position Statement from the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB). This statement focuses on the use of punishment in the training of animals and the learning theories that exist which put the use of punishment into proper perspective.
Download the Dominance Position Statement from the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB). This statement has been developed for the purpose of clarifying how AVSAB views the theory of dominance relationships between animals. We also hope that it helps to dispel some myths that have recently become more prevalent among some who work in this field.
Download the Puppy Socialization Position Statement from the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB). This statement hopes to increase awareness of the need for socialization in puppies and raise the issue of how vaccination protocols affect the socialization process in puppy classes.
Choosing the right trainer is important. Download the How to Choose a Trainer Handout developed by the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) to discover the guidelines for choosing a trainer so you and your dog can have a great experience.